Zesco Ripe Bananas


Zesco Ripe Bananas

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Product Description

Product Native: Presence of abundent Flora and Fauna makes the Western Ghat home of species diversity. Thus it became the home for Siddha medicines too. This Kabasura Kudineer is produced predominently with the domesticated species of Western Ghats.

Specialty: Produced in GMP certified facility with all 15 ingredients added as defined. As siddha operates on the basis of Vatham, Pitham and Kabam. The Kabasura Kudineer is one of the prime intake in Siddha to manage the issues related to Kabam in our body. There were many technical studies done with respective to Kabasura Kudineer and it is widely accepted as anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Now it is suggested by Tamil Nadu government as precautionary intake for COVID-19. Also this is part of the diet for patients in TamilNadu Government hospitals.


SKU: MEGA-OGN-111-01 Category: Tags: , , ,
Product Description
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at pellentesque diam, at efficitur sem. Aliquam tempor euismod neque. Vestibulum sed augue sed neque ultrices varius. Mauris sodales fringilla dolor, sed varius dui lobortis vitae. Duis vitae arcu in mi volutpat ornare interdum eget purus. Sed eget fringilla mauris, sit amet dapibus metus. Maecenas rhoncus urna in mi viverra scelerisque. Sed accumsan hendrerit tellus vel viverra. Mauris sem urna, laoreet sed odio eget, tempus dignissim felis.
Aliquam ac tellus efficitur, luctus leo et, condimentum felis. Aliquam vel lacus at est vestibulum dictum. Pellentesque fringilla urna id tellus aliquet ullamcorper.
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1 review for Zesco Ripe Bananas
  • 4 out of 5

    The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using \’Content here, content here\’, making it look like readable English.

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